Vb.net Processstartinfo Print Pdf

Hello, thanks for reply.I've tried putting quotation marks but no way, it alway prints to de default printer.But trying from command line, it works.even without quotation marks. Example:'C:Program Files (x86)AdobeReader 11.0ReaderAcroRd32.exe' /t C:21.pdf XPAutoAny other idea?Then perhaps you should use Process Start with those parameters. I've no idea what /t means.This works on my system. However I had the lines for hidden windows and kill commented out so I could see what was occuring.PDF files have a default program associated to them. I believe when you use Process.Start the way you are using it with a.PDF files name that the default associated application is what values you need to use to provide a printers name.
And then probablyin quotation marks.So for printerName on my system I would probably need to use the below which will provide quotes on both sides of the printer name. In the bottom info.arguments line I retrieved the printers name from Control Panel in Printer Properties under General.However the default app for.PDF files may not support a command line parameter for altering the printers name. So you should probably check for the default app, Adobe Reader is the default app on my system, if the default app supports this particular commandline parameter.info.Arguments = Chrw(34) & printerName & Chrw(34)orinfo.Arguments = Chrw(34) & 'Microsoft XPS Document Writer' & Chrw(34)Also according to this link, to use Adobe, other parameters are required including the printers name, printers driver and port to use.La vida loca. Hello, thanks for reply.I've tried putting quotation marks but no way, it alway prints to de default printer.But trying from command line, it works.even without quotation marks. Example:'C:Program Files (x86)AdobeReader 11.0ReaderAcroRd32.exe' /t C:21.pdf XPAutoAny other idea?Then perhaps you should use Process Start with those parameters. I've no idea what /t means.This works on my system.
However I had the lines for hidden windows and kill commented out so I could see what was occuring. Hello and thanks.This problem is getting me crazy. Let me explain.First, I'm trying to print form asp.net.In my develop machine (so local IIS):- using the first code I've post in which:filename='C:AAA.pfd'printername='ThePrinterToUse'it prints but always in the default printer.In the production machine using the same code I've post: it does not give error but notting happens!
Vb Net Print File
Does not print.With the code you've post, so putting as filename the path and name of Arobat Reader and as arguments /t the file to print and the printer, it just open and quickly close the acrobat and nothing else. No documents in the printer spooler.Please help. If you have issues with command line parameters for adobe or any other.PDF app regarding using it for printing then you will need to access those vendors information on command line parameters for their software. Or request support from those vendors forhow to use command line parameters with their software. Although I did provide a link in my post about Printing PDF Documents via Command line and in that link supposedly more information is required for the command line parameters than what you are using.I don't feel like researching Adobes website for information about using Adobe to print with via command line parameters.Perhaps you should attempt to change the default printer for the system in question then when done printing change the default printer back to whatever the default printer originally was.
The code below should be able to do get the default printer name andother printer names and set the default printer for a system. Hello again and thanks for your time.Command line is working well.I've tried also from WindowsForm and is the same.But what is worring me is that in the deployment machine is not printing, neither in the default printer. Notting happens! Can be a permission problem?I thought the command line only works for the default printer?Permission problem? The user logged on using the app is not allowed to print anything? The user can't print from the deployment machine even if the user displays the.PDF using Adobe Reader and tries to print from Adobe Reader?
Is this path andfile on the deployment machine 'C:Program Files (x86)AdobeReader 11.0ReaderAcroRd32.exe'? Is there a.PDF at the correct file location on the deployment machine?What would make you believe that a permission problem is occuring if you are not receiving an error about that (although placing files in the root system directory for use by programs is not recommended for any windows system since permission issues canoccur)? Programmers should be using appropriate file locations for files to be used with programs in order to keep permission issues from occuring.La vida loca.