Triple Biquad Wifi Antenna
If you like what you see here, consider leaving a tip.This 2.4 GHz biquad yagi is Inspired by dedicated primarily to antenna design and testing. Check out the to create an antenna of your own design.Thanks to Thingerverse user, there is some excellent test data done in an anechoic chamber. Check out the VSWR, Frequency Responce, and 3D propagation graphs, and a link to the raw test data on his.This antenna design uses solid 14 gauge (1.7mm) copper wire. The 27mm element is the first parasitic element followed by 28mm, 29mm, 30mm, then the 31.5mm driven element and a 34mm reflector at the rear (these are all outside dimensions).

I have added cylinders with a closed end for attaching a solid reflector and/or base station mount. I made a reflector out of a piece of thin 56 mm x 110 mm sheet metal with drilled holes for small screws and a larger hole with a rubber grommet to pass the coax cable through. The parasitic elements are spaced 17mm apart with the reflector spaced 19 mm from the driven element.
These dimensions are taken directly from Andrew's PCB biquad yagi design. I used a short length of flexible coax cable with an SMA connector to connect the antenna to my USB WiFi adaptor.Have a look at the video that inspired this design here.
IntroductionThis is basic instructions for handmade 5888 MHz 13-14dBi Double BiQuad external antenna.I used computer software (antenna modeler and optimizer) version 5.8.11 to model theoretically the perfect antenna. All measurements based on very careful analysis with computer software which results many times has been proven to be quite accurate and reliable in physical world.Description The WLAN 5.9 GHz uses microwave frequencies from 5850 to 5925 MHz. So the target is about in the middle - 5888 MHz.Target frequency - 5888 MHz (for WLAN)Simulation NEC Input files:.Configuration symbols in NEC Input files:. ED - Element square diagonal length / 2.
Triple Biquad Wifi Antenna Calculator
WR - Wire radius. S - Spacing between element and reflector. RH - Reflector height / 2. RL - Reflector length / 2.
LH - Height of reflector 'lips'All dimensions in.NEC data files and graphs are in wave-length ratio.Main 4nec2 windows with parameters (antenna with lips on the left, without on the right). ( Very important to choose proper cable! the longerthe cable length, the more signal loss you'll have through the cable.
Triple Biquad Wifi Antenna Diy
Long cable will defeat the purpose of the antenna. Read the guide for more info.).

30 cm length of copper wire for the element. 1 mm in diameter. Wider is not recommended. Spacers in each end of the element to hold its position and spacingcorrect height between the radiator and the reflector. Spacers must befrom any non-metallic material. Plastic will do alright.N-Type (female) connectorSingle Sided Copper Clad BoardBuilding the antennaI will not show you picture after the picture how to drill the hole in center of reflector. How to use ruler.

How to do proper soldering. What kits to use and etc.
Biquad Dish Wifi Antenna
There are plenty of tutorials for these steps:, or(Note: all calculations in links are for 2.4 GH z WiFi antenna. Use mine calculated data and measurements for 5.9 GHz antenna.)(Note: Pictures below not to scale)Element bending.