Normal Heart Rate By Age Infant
AgeRate while awake(beat per minute)Rate while sleeping(beat per minute)under 28 days100- month to 1 year100- to 2 years98- to 5 years80- to11 years75-15 years60-10050-90What is Arrhythmia?Arrhythmia is an irregularity in the rhythm of the heart. It is caused due to an abnormality of the electrical signals that control contractions of the heart muscles. The occurrence of certain kinds of arrhythmia in children is usually no cause for concern and may not require medical care.A change in heart rate is normal in children based on the activity they engage in. But if it is found that the heart rate of the child doesn’t correlate with the activity and is too high or too low for the activity being performed, then it may be wise to seek a diagnosis from a doctor. Who is at a Risk of Developing Arrhythmia?An arrhythmia may be prevalent in children who are suffering from congenital heart diseases, are born with narrow hearts or any other heart conditions. Infections, diabetes and sleep apnea can cause damage to the muscles around the heart which may also put such kids at a risk of developing an arrhythmia.
Also, if your kid has had heart surgeries, is under medication or suffers from a chemical imbalance, then there may be chances of an irregular heart rate. Types of ArrhythmiaArrhythmia is categorized based on the variation in the heart rate. There are many types of arrhythmia, most are harmless, however, some may be life-threatening.
Children's Heart Rate By Age
Ventricular TachycardiaVentricular tachycardia originates in the ventricles or the lower chambers of the heart. These are not very common in children and might be the result of a serious heart condition.
Supraventricular Tachycardia(SVT)Supraventricular tachycardia is triggered in both the upper(atria) and lower(ventricles) chambers of the heart. SVT causes the heart rate to go at an abnormal rate of over 220 per minute. It is also known as paroxysmal atrial tachycardia and begins and ends abruptly. Junctional Ectopic TachycardiaIn this case, the impulse originates from the abnormal cluster of cells that are located near the AV node causing the ventricles to contract before they are due. This results in a faster heartbeat.There is also a term called Sinus tachycardia which is a natural increase in the heart rate caused by physical activity or change in activity levels. Here the sinus node, which is known as the pacemaker of the heart due to its function of generating electrical impulses, shoots out faster impulses causing a spike in the heart rate.
BradycardiaBradycardia characterized by a drastic drop in the heart rate of the child, in most cases, below 50 beats per minute. This can be due to faulty electrical circuits or can indicate that the sinus node isn’t functioning in the supposed manner. In some cases, since the heart rate drops quite low, the heart will not be able to pump blood into the cells causing a deficiency that may result in life-threatening situations. Causes of an Irregular HeartbeatIrregular heartbeat is caused by various reasons including heart conditions like congenital heart disease, chemical imbalances in the body, any kind of trauma to the chest, heart surgery, or infections.
Heart Rate By Age Exercise
It can also be due to cardiomyopathy which is the disease of the muscles of the heart. Signs and Symptoms of an Abnormal Heart RateRecognizing the signs and symptoms of an abnormal heart rate is important, especially for younger children who will not be able to communicate what they feel.
Amongst infants and toddlers, it may be visible as irritability, paleness, and lack of interest in eating. Older children may be able to tell you if they feel dizzy or feel like their heart has skipped a beat. Some of the common symptoms of an irregular pulse rate are. Dizziness.
Weakness or fatigue. Tremors. Fainting. Sweating.
Irritability and paleness in infants. Shortness of breathDiagnosisDoctors use various methods to diagnose an abnormality in the heart rate of the child. It is important that you provide the doctor with your child’s medical history so that the doctor can evaluate it and conduct a physical exam to determine whether a further test is necessary.Some of the tests that the doctor may perform include:Electrocardiogram(ECG). This test measures the electrical activity of your child’s heart. It is painless and can be done in as a resting ECG or an exercise ECG. A resting ECG measures the heart when your child is resting, preferably lying down. An exercise ECG measures the child’s heart rate during an activity like walking or running on a treadmill.Holter MonitorThis is an ECG test that is done over a period of 24 hours or more.
Child Heart Rate When Sick
The ECG electrodes and attached to the chest of the child and the measurements are taken using a portable recorder. The child is encouraged to engage in normal daily activities. Care should be taken to keep the electrodes from getting wet for the duration of the test.Holter monitoring includes two kinds of test. Camtasia studio crack 32 bit. Continuous monitoring where the ECG is being recorded for the entire duration.
Event monitoring where the ECG is recorded when an abnormal heart rate is detected.Electrophysiology StudyIn this invasive test, a catheter is inserted into the blood vessel of the child that leads to the heart through the arms or the legs. This helps to determine the origin of arrhythmia in the heart and choose relevant treatments methods.Tilt Table TestTilt table test is recommended for children who have instances of fainting that is caused by irregular heart rate.
The test measures the variations in heart rate, oxygen supply, and blood pressure in the child during a change in his or her position, like sitting, lying down and standing. Some doctors may also suggest a chest X-ray, MRI or blood tests for your child if required. TreatmentThe treatment for arrhythmia is based on the age of the child, the type of arrhythmia, the symptoms experienced and the frequency of its occurrence. Some of the common courses of treatment include. Medicines: Anti-arrhythmic medications are prescribed to the child based on the condition and the age to correct an abnormal heart rate.
Pacemakers: These devices that mimic the electrical signals produced by the sinus node and implanted into the child’s body to regulate heart rate effectively. They are surgically implanted, usually near the collarbone. Defibrillator: An implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD), is inserted near the collarbone with wired running from it to the heart. When an abnormal heart rate is detected, the device restores it to a normal heart rate. Catheter Ablation: The procedure involves the insertion of a catheter through a blood vessel in the leg or the arm that leads to the heart. It detects and narrows down the area of the heart where the irregularity is generated and freezes or destroys those defective cells.
Surgery: If all other options do not give results, a surgery is recommended where the child is put under anaesthesia and the tissue causing the arrhythmia is surgically removed.When and How to Check your Child’s Pulse Rate?It is good to have an idea of how to check your child’s pulse rate for emergencies. If your child has a heart condition, your doctor may already have instructed you on the ways to check the pulse. The information on this website is of a general nature and available for educational purposes only and should not be construed as a substitute for advice from a medical professional or health care provider. Should you have any concerns about your health, or of that of your baby or child, please consult with your doctor.

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