Vista Del Monte School
Vista del monte has a serious prblem with bullying at there institution As well as on the buses. My child has been harassed numerious times at the school, And on the bus ride home. And he was punished for tryin to stand up for himself on every incounter with the other kids?
- Vista Del Monte Elementary School
- Vista Del Monte Elementary School Palm Springs
- Vista Del Monte School Palm Springs Ca
I might also add, that the staff at the school seems to be incompitent to be working with children. My childern mean everything to me and it kills me how horribly our children are being treated/cared for at this school? I do not have a car curretly,other wise i would enroll them in a different school. Last but no least, i have notified the school that my child is lactose intolerant,yet they continue to make him drink milk at lunch and tell him tha thats all he is allowed to have aside from water? Why do we bother telling them our childrens allergies/medical problems?
I am writting this review after putting up with all this for almost 3yrs now! Somthing has got to change/improve at that school? I knw im not the only parent who feels this way?:(. Hello, I am a teacher at VDM and I am so very proud of our staff and our students. Last year, out of 14 elementary schools in the district, our school posted the largest growth on the state test, 39 points. Are we perfect?

Do we have a long way to go? I can honestly say I have never worked with a more dedicated and vision oriented staff. Regarding the previous posting with information about a special education teacher, in the three years I have been there, no special education teacher has been carried away in a padded van, let alone fired. Similarly, please let it be known that all teachers are mandated CPS reporters, and NO, principals do not have to be notified when a teacher calls CPS. In fact, whenever anyone calls CPS the person making the report will always have his/her identity protected. I personally have called CPS in my 17 years of teaching. In each case, I took each incident extremely seriously, AND I did not have to notify anyone except the CPS case worker I was talking to.
So please, before you judge our school so harshly and write erroneous statements, I'd encourage you to come to the school and visit your child's teacher and make your own judgements. My son attended this school in the Special Education Program.
His teacher reported every single student's parents in that class to CPS, for 'neglect'. The Teacher ended up getting carted away in a padded van, (No kidding!) during school hours.
The Principal was also in on this, as a teacher needs a Principal's permission to call CPS and had been fired after that year. After the crazy teacher who had said the kids were trying to poison her was gone. They had substitute after substitute for months. Then the district hired a fresh out of school Teacher who has no clue what she was doing.
Special Needs kids need a constant, not 8 million subs and a then a teacher who has no idea what she is doing. I was so happy when my son was transferred out to Landau for 4th and 5th grade. What an amazing difference! Not that Landau is that great, but I think any school would be better than Vista Del Monte. My child went here for one year. I helped out at the school but my son was bullied and i knew something was wrong with my son when i brought it to the school regarding his reading and asked for them to test him they denied me and ignored me until 2 weeks until school was out.
And they found out he did have a reading disability which put him a whole year behind because of them dragging their feet. When my husband and i called a meeting with the principal and teacher because we had a concern with where the education level was he assured me that my child would meet state standards at which he did not. I will never send my children here ever again.
In 2016-2017, California tested students using the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP), administered through the online Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments. These are comprehensive, end-of-year assessments of grade-level learning that measure progress toward college and career readiness. Each test, English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics is comprised of two parts: (1) a computer adaptive test and (2) a performance task; administered within a 12-week window beginning at 66 percent of the instructional year for grades three through eight, or within in a 7-week window beginning at 80 percent of the instructional year for grade eleven.
The summative assessments are aligned with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for ELA and mathematics. The tests capitalize on the strengths of computer adaptive testing-efficient and precise measurement across the full range of achievement and timely turnaround of results. In 2016-2017, California tested students using the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP), administered through the online Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments.
Vista Del Monte Elementary School
These are comprehensive, end-of-year assessments of grade-level learning that measure progress toward college and career readiness. Each test, English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics is comprised of two parts: (1) a computer adaptive test and (2) a performance task; administered within a 12-week window beginning at 66 percent of the instructional year for grades three through eight, or within in a 7-week window beginning at 80 percent of the instructional year for grade eleven.
The summative assessments are aligned with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for ELA and mathematics. The tests capitalize on the strengths of computer adaptive testing-efficient and precise measurement across the full range of achievement and timely turnaround of results. In 2016-2017, California tested students using the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP), administered through the online Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments.
These are comprehensive, end-of-year assessments of grade-level learning that measure progress toward college and career readiness. Each test, English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics is comprised of two parts: (1) a computer adaptive test and (2) a performance task; administered within a 12-week window beginning at 66 percent of the instructional year for grades three through eight, or within in a 7-week window beginning at 80 percent of the instructional year for grade eleven. The summative assessments are aligned with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for ELA and mathematics. The tests capitalize on the strengths of computer adaptive testing-efficient and precise measurement across the full range of achievement and timely turnaround of results. In 2016-2017, California tested students using the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP), administered through the online Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments. These are comprehensive, end-of-year assessments of grade-level learning that measure progress toward college and career readiness. Each test, English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics is comprised of two parts: (1) a computer adaptive test and (2) a performance task; administered within a 12-week window beginning at 66 percent of the instructional year for grades three through eight, or within in a 7-week window beginning at 80 percent of the instructional year for grade eleven.
The summative assessments are aligned with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for ELA and mathematics. The tests capitalize on the strengths of computer adaptive testing-efficient and precise measurement across the full range of achievement and timely turnaround of results. (4 years ago)We have two children in special day class (both are autistic) and as far as the classroom and amazing teacher is concern we are beyond pleased with their growth at VDM. (5 years ago)Vista del monte has a serious prblem with bullying at there institution As well as on the buses. My child has been harassed numerious times at the school And on the bus ride home.
And he was punished for tryin to stand up for himself on every incounter with the other kids? I might also add that the staff at the school seems to be incompitent to be working with children.
My childern mean everything to me and it kills me how horribly our children are being treated/cared for at this school? I do not have a car curretly other wise i would enroll them in a different school. Last but no least i have notified the school that my child is lactose intolerant yet they continue to make him drink milk at lunch and tell him tha thats all he is allowed to have aside from water?
Why do we bother telling them our childrens allergies/medical problems? I am writting this review after putting up with all this for almost 3yrs now! Somthing has got to change/improve at that school? I knw im not the only parent who feels this way? (. (6 years ago)Hello I am a teacher at VDM and I am so very proud of our staff and our students. Last year out of 14 elementary schools in the district our school posted the largest growth on the state test 39 points.
Are we perfect? Do we have a long way to go? I can honestly say I have never worked with a more dedicated and vision oriented staff. Regarding the previous posting with information about a special education teacher in the three years I have been there no special education teacher has been carried away in a padded van let alone fired. Similarly please let it be known that all teachers are mandated CPS reporters and NO principals do not have to be notified when a teacher calls CPS. In fact whenever anyone calls CPS the person making the report will always have his/her identity protected. I personally have called CPS in my 17 years of teaching.
In each case I took each incident extremely seriously AND I did not have to notify anyone except the CPS case worker I was talking to. So please before you judge our school so harshly and write erroneous statements I'd encourage you to come to the school and visit your child's teacher and make your own judgements. (6 years ago)My son attended this school in the Special Education Program. His teacher reported every single student's parents in that class to CPS for 'neglect'. The Teacher ended up getting carted away in a padded van (No kidding!) during school hours. The Principal was also in on this as a teacher needs a Principal's permission to call CPS and had been fired after that year. After the crazy teacher who had said the kids were trying to poison her was gone.
They had substitute after substitute for months. Then the district hired a fresh out of school Teacher who has no clue what she was doing. Special Needs kids need a constant not 8 million subs and a then a teacher who has no idea what she is doing. I was so happy when my son was transferred out to Landau for 4th and 5th grade. What an amazing difference! Not that Landau is that great but I think any school would be better than Vista Del Monte. (6 years ago)My child went here for one year.
Vista Del Monte Elementary School Palm Springs
I helped out at the school but my son was bullied and i knew something was wrong with my son when i brought it to the school regarding his reading and asked for them to test him they denied me and ignored me until 2 weeks until school was out. And they found out he did have a reading disability which put him a whole year behind because of them dragging their feet. When my husband and i called a meeting with the principal and teacher because we had a concern with where the education level was he assured me that my child would meet state standards at which he did not. I will never send my children here ever again. (8 years ago)My child has been attending this school for three years.
Vista Del Monte School Palm Springs Ca
The school has failed the state testing three years in a row and has send a letter all three of those years stating your child can choose a different school. There are waiting lists for those schools with high scores almost impossible to get into.
(9 years ago)With our new principal Mr. Scudder our school has made great progress.This is evident in our new test scors and the new attitudes of our children. Keep an eye on the school it is going to change. (11 years ago)We have some great teachers at this school and a new principal. Hoepefully thing swill get better. I wish more parents would get involved and attend the PTG meetings that are held once a month.
We need more parents involvement to helpn this school!. (12 years ago)N/A. (12 years ago)The school needs a new principal too many teachers unhappy and leaving. (12 years ago)I am one of those teachers who chose to move to a different school. VDM has wonderful students and families who I will greatly miss. The problem is the overall negative climate at the school which became almost unbearable this past school year.
Fortunately district leadership has become more aware of these problems and will hopefully make changes at the school that have been long overdue thereby enabling VDM to exit 'program inprovement' status under NCLB. (12 years ago)N/A. (12 years ago)N/A. (12 years ago)The teachers at VdM are the most kind well educated and hard working professionals you will ever meet.
There is a feeling of warmth as you walk down the halls that is not found at many schools. Teachers welcome parental involvement though the same handful of parents do the majority of the volunteering. There is a weekly art program as well as a great music and PE program. As it is the last in the district to get remodeled the teachers and the district are very aware of security issues. The teachers do an amazing job with the buildings they have to use and students they are given! My daughter is happily thriving there!.
(13 years ago)The safety is absolutely nil at this school- hands down the worst school experience ever- would never recommend this school-ever!. (15 years ago)N/A.