Starship Troopers: Traitor Of Mars Ing


This movie got a lot of hate. But I for one really like it. I'm a huge fan of the series. I loved all the movies, well except the second. Traitor of Mars is a great addition to the series. It has to returning original characters, voiced by they're original actors.

I thought the graphics were This movie got a lot of hate. But I for one really like it. I'm a huge fan of the series. I loved all the movies, well except the second.

Traitor of Mars is a great addition to the series. It has to returning original characters, voiced by they're original actors. I thought the graphics were amazing.

The action sequences were fun. And the slower parts built on the original characters lore. Maybe one day this will turn out like the original. Which was also technically a bomb when it came out, it wasn't till years later that it became a 5. classic. In our days very difficult to find a film that would be a good science fiction with good meat action.

And this is exactly the same where the film succeeded. Under normal science fiction, I mean gorgeous display policy of a large interstellar Federation with her colonies. The personal In our days very difficult to find a film that would be a good science fiction with good meat action. And this is exactly the same where the film succeeded. Under normal science fiction, I mean gorgeous display policy of a large interstellar Federation with her colonies.

The personal ambitions of politicians. Ordinary soldiers dressed in fancy exoskeletons. A really decent weapon of the future, with its incredible firepower (and not just another M4 assault rifle which we try to pass off an assault rifle of the 23rd century). Natural war for the survival of the species, is sauce all of the above, and even without the extra snot.

Creator of the film seemed to show us the deepest tragedy of the human species, with an eye of the average soldier, whose only task is to shoot the bugs with his gun. This is one of the best cinema, that i watch in this year. Very bright, very smart action film on everyday thematic.


This film basing on original scenario, not connected with original cinema or with book. One of the best aspect on this film - graphic. Yeah, it's not the best, but at least This is one of the best cinema, that i watch in this year. Very bright, very smart action film on everyday thematic. This film basing on original scenario, not connected with original cinema or with book. One of the best aspect on this film - graphic. Yeah, it's not the best, but at least it's very bright and you can see each element of equipment of the soldiers.

It's really rare thing now (just check worst film of this year - Assassins Creed). Another good feature of this film - it's scenario.

It's smart, very fast scenario about group of Space Marines, who are really kids. 10/10, recommending for everyone. This review contains spoilers, click expand to view.It may look better than Invasion but it is far from being a good film the characters (Except Johnny)are annoying and made me cringe everytime they are on the screen and this movie has the weirdest twist where Dizzy is actually Carl kissing Johnny when he was stuck on mars (sounds homosexual lol) the main villain motivation is weak blow up mars because we hate the hippies 'WUT'. Why does approval ratings are involved? There is one point to where the troops forgot how to use their jet-packs when they used it the WHOLE movie somehow they forgot to use it.

Starship Troopers Traitor Of Mars Sequel

There is a lot of repeated dialogue here and some really bad ones skip this movie. I'm surprised critics didn't rate this movie.

Starship Troopers: Traitor Of Mars Online

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