Editing Game Files Borderlands

  1. Editing Game Files Borderlands 3
Editing Game Files Borderlands

Hey Rick, with the new DLC 5 and the PS4 Save wizard being able to extract the.sav file, you think you will update the Save Editor to read the save files? It would be amazing and I’m sure I’m not the only one who would appreciate the hell out of you even more so with PS4 capability!

This editor pulled me back into borderlands 2 for an extra 1000 hours on the pc version a couple years back and now with the new dlc (and no gaming pc at the time unfortunately) I would love to be able to test out and review over all content available with the save editor on the Playstation 4 as well!! Your editor is the best and I hope we can find out some more info from ya. How to open a ps4 save in GibbedUsing Python and Save Wizard.Step 1) Download the “SaveFile.py” found here “2) Download python 2.7 not 3+Step 3) Create a new folder on c: called BL2 so you have a folder like this “c:BL2” now place the “savefile.py” here.Step 4) Export raw save file from Save Wizard using the advanced option.Step 5) Place the file into the folder you made in step 1 and rename it to “unencryptedsave.sav”.Step 6) Open CMD and type “cd BL2” and press enter and then copy and paste “c:python27python savefile.py unencryptedsave.sav encrytpedsave.sav” and press enter again. (Just minimize CMD for later)Step 7) Now you have a new file in the “c:BL2” folder called “encrytpedsave.sav” this will now open in Gibbed as an xbox.sav file, edit your save how you see fit.Step 8) after you have edited save open CMD back up and copy and paste “c:python27python savefile.py – d encrytpedsave.sav unencryptedsaveedited.sav” and press enter.Step 9) rename “unencryptedsaveedited.sav” back to original name for example “Save0001.sav” then import it back into the advanced bit of Save Wizard, click Apply and you’re done. (if greyed out just click on a character and overwrite it with the same character).

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Editing Game Files Borderlands 3

About WillowTreeWillowTree is an advanced save editor for Borderlands on all platforms (360, PS3, and PC) that presents all of the data from a save in an easily editable format. It includes built-in features to speed up changes to some aspects of the saves such as character information, skills, quest status, items, and backpack size.WillowTree can be downloaded Basics of WillowTreeUpon opening a file in WillowTree, the name of the file will displayed as the root folder. After opening the folder, the following should be displayed:. Character - Contains information regarding the character's experience, level, and money, along with other basic details from the beginning of the save.

Skills - Lists all of the character's skills. Ammo Pools - Lists the ammo information.