Anesthesia Observership Program
This unique opportunity matches residents in the United States and Canada with senior clinicians for a two to four week assignment, offering intensive, individualized training with leading practitioners in the field of Oral and CranioMaxillofacial Surgery.The Clinical Observership Program is specifically designed to help residents get a jump start through a one-on-one training experience in a private practice setting. We recognize that smart training today yields better patient care tomorrow. And it’s for this reason that we remain committed to providing the right professional development to the next generation of clinicians. The Education Committee will thoroughly review each application and will consult with the clinician mentors before recommending placements to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will then discuss the evaluation results from the Education Committee and decide on acceptance of each applicant.Please keep in mind that the longer lead time you give, the greater flexibility we will have with assigning mentors.Also, please keep in mind that the mentors have been selected because they are committed to resident education and are experts in the OMFS field. While we unfortunately are not able to take requests from residents for specific mentors, we will do our best to match you with a surgeon who has expertise that matches the interest of the resident, as per the essay in the application.

Residents will have a worthwhile experience with every mentor in the program. Below is a list of activities that residents will experience, when applicable, during their observerships While each resident experience will differ depending on the areas of expertise and focus of the individual clinician, most will address the areas below. LicensureFor an optimal hands-on experience, licensure is recommended.
Anesthesia Observership Programs
Please do confirm with your mentor the level of hands-on involvement desired; some clinicians are more comfortable than others with residents performing surgeries. At a minimum, all residents will have the opportunity to serve as first-assistant. Licensure is not possible in Florida or Louisiana (unless you already have a license in these states). It may be possible to obtain a medical license in these states. In order to ensure adequate time before your observership, it is best to begin the licensure process at least six months prior to the observership.InsuranceAll residents must be insured, regardless of whether they have a license in the state of the observership.

If the residency program does not provide insurance during the observership, Osteo Science Foundation will obtain a policy through OMSNIC. All travel and living expenses are covered by Osteo Science Foundation, including transportation during the observership (rental car or public transportation). Per diem rates for food and housing are as per the GSA Travel rates. Residents will be provided with a credit card, so that no out-of-pocket expenses will be incurred, though receipts must be provided after the observership to support each expense. Housing and flights will be booked directly by OSCF, once arrangements have been made with the resident.If preferred by the resident or program, an educational grant can be made to the department, instead of reimbursing or pre-paying expenses. If you wish to pursue this option, please indicate as such on your application.
Salaries will not be covered. Am cazanul meu zippy.