Av Bros. Puzzle Pro 2.2 Crack

Av Bros. Puzzle Pro 2.2 Crack


Puzzle Pro 2.0 is an extremely powerful and flexible Photoshop plugin (Photoshop plugin means the filter plugin (8bf) for Adobe Photoshop and compatible hosts.) for creating jigsaw puzzle effects of various types. Puzzle Pro 2.0 is an extremely powerful and flexible Photoshop plugin (Photoshop plugin means the filter plugin (8bf) for Adobe Photoshop and compatible hosts, such as Adobe Photoshop Elements, Adobe Image Ready, Adobe Fireworks (formerly Macromedia Fireworks), Corel Paint Shop Pro, Corel Photo-Paint, Ulead Photoimpact, etc.) The product is targeted to help you create jigsaw puzzle effects of various types, but thanks to its superb engine, it also produces a whole bunch of different high quality image effects. Puzzle Pro 2.0 provides you with an almost absolute freedom in creation of puzzlels shapes, a large number of built-in effects for modifying the content of puzzlels pieces, a possibility not only to split an image into pieces, but to draw the splitterls shape too, an option to save shapes as.EPS or.AI formats for using them in such applications as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Flash (formerly Macromedia Flash) and dozens of other features. Thanks to the convenient User interface, usage of this Photoshop plugin is not only efficient, but enjoyable as well.AV Bros. Puzzle Pro 2.0 is an extremely.