Columbia Honors Program Science

  1. Columbia Honors Program Science Activities

To recognize MS EE students with an exceptional academic record, active EE MS students with a GPA in the top 10% of the class are included in the MS Honors program. Ghost software free. This program started with the class that joined in Fall 2015. To qualify for the MS Honors Program an active student has to complete at least 24 credits of coursework, 12 of which have to be from the selection of Electrical Engineering courses or joint courses of Electrical Engineering and other departments (see the ).Top graduating MS students are recognized with the that is awarded to less than 5% of the graduating class.MS Honors students are invited to participate in special academic and cultural events organized in their honor. They can further earn an award of up to $5,000 to support research.

ScienceColumbia science honors program entrance exam

Columbia Honors Program Science Activities

After inclusion in the Honors program, the student needs to find an EE faculty member to supervise their research. The student is then awarded a stipend of $2500 per semester for up to two semesters (e.g., Summer and Fall). The participation during the second semester is contingent upon maintaining the necessary academic performance to qualify for the Honors program. After identifying a faculty research advisor, the student needs to contact the EE Director of Finance and Administration to request the funding associated with the award.MS/PhD students or MS students who transfer into the PhD program do not qualify to participate in the Honors program. For future application cycles, the EE Department reserves the right to change this program or its terms and conditions.