Zeus Master Of Olympus Manual Pdf
Hi,I'm a long time City Building Series fan, and recently when visiting my parents with my wife I stumbled across my old Zeus CD and manual (back from when manuals were manuals! I installed Zeus with absolutely no problems (and I was even able to play the trailers in the extra section of the autorun menu). However, as soon as I try and run it, the pointer arrow switches to indicate its loading and then returns to normal and nothing happens. I did notice using the task manager that Zeus does appear in the running programs list, but disappears in a couple of seconds. I have Windows 7 Home 64 bit.
I can run Emperor Rise of the Middle King with absolutely no problems.Thanks in advance for any help.AuthorReplies. Have you tried running the game in compatibility mode for WinXP SP2?To do so right click zeus.exe in the games main folder, select Properties and then the compatibility pane.The game should be found in the 'Program Files (x86)' folder.Also try make sure you have as few programs running in the background as possible (including your antivirus and other anti-malware programs), then try start the game and even if nothing happens, try just leave the computer like that. Sometimes people have luck when coming back a few hours later that the game is waiting for them to be played. I am having the same trouble getting my Master of Olympus and Master of Atlantis game working. They install just fine but when I try to start it nothing happens. I tried to follow your directions but I could not find the folder in the Programs(x86) folder. Also, I have tried the compatibility mode for xp, win98, win95, and almost everything else that was available to me but nothing happened.

I asked my friend if she had trouble with it on her windows 7 and she said it was working just fine, so I am really confused.I have win7 64 bit as well, and am getting really frustrated cuz this awesome game will not work! Please help!This message has been edited by mushedbrain (edited @ 01:25 AM). Pharaoh and Zeus are not 100% similar in the game engine and the copyprotection is also updated to a newer version on Zeus.If you have Aero enabled, try select a non-Aero theme or try what Eswen suggests (thanks Eswen for reminding me).
Some programs can not run while Aero is enabled. It could also be your antivirus program hindering the game in starting so try disable it and see if that helps.On some computers running WinXP or newer, it is possible to run Zeus without problems but as soon as Poseidon is installed, the game behaves like you experience. The solution in that case is to uninstall the game, manually make sure by checking in Windows Explorer that the games mainfolder including contents is deleted and then only install Zeus.Remember to patch the game. Note that the official patches one can find in the downloads section here at HeavenGames and also elsewhere on the internet, are only for the version released by Sierra.
All other versions of the game must be patched using the patch offered by their respective publishers. I have been playing Zeus on Win 7 64 Professional. I have the US version of Zeus patched to 1.1. When I first ran it, there was a message from Windows saying something like 'Aero themes have been turned off because this program doesn't support them'.
That's OK, the Aero comes back when the game exits.I have had had minor problems clicking buttons on the message windows, but that sorts itself out if I maximise the window and then restore it. (I am playing in Windowed mode.)So could it be a SecureRom problem? Do you have any virtual; drives installed? Are you running any virtual CD/DVD software?
Gods Of Olympus Zeus
What do you mean by 'will not open properly'?Have you tried running the game in compatibility mode for Windows 2000, or no compatibility mode at all? Also try disable your antivirus program as it might block the game from running.Edit:I've just booted to Win7 Ultimate 64-bit, created a shortcut to Zeus (I also have Poseidon installed) which I have installed on my WinXP partition, and played a little bit of the tutorial. Only problems were it took a long time for the game to check the copy protection on the CD, the game hang for a few seconds in the Tutorial menu and windows threw a message about the game not being compatible (found this when I shut down the game). I didn't change anything, not even disable Aero and the game seemed to run correctly, I don't know if this will change later on. My antivirus is Windows Essentials, I might install some thirdparty antivirus later on.