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As the name suggests, freeware costsnothing, though some developers request a donation if you like it. Thedifference is here you can't access the source code, so development iscentralised in one location.Shareware is similar, except here thesoftware's only free for a limited period, after which you have toeither pay to register it, or lose some of the functionality (or have anannoying reminder message pop up every time you use it).Generally there's less shareware andfreeware available as more software goes open source, which is a goodthing for people that are easily irritated by 'nag screens' asking youto buy a full version of the product (ie, just about everyone, ever). Free Microsoft Office for students and teachersIf you're a student or working in education and have an academicemail address that can receive external email, you may be able to get acouple of decent freebies from Microsoft. Free Microsoft Office. What do you get? The ability to download the entireOffice software suite – including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook,OneNote, Publisher and Access – on up to five PCs or Macs (the last twoare on PC-only).
Who can get it? Students and staff at universities,colleges and schools which have licensed Office institution-wide throughthe Microsoft Volume Licensing programme.
Microsoft says 99.9% ofuniversities, 87% of colleges and a 'large number' of schools in the UKare eligible. How do I get it? Enter your academic email address on the.You'll be asked to log in through your institution's online portal andif you're eligible, you'll be redirected to a page where you candownload the software.1TB free online storage. What do you get? A whopping 1TB of free online storage through (others now only get 5GB free) and use of collaborative platforms like and.
Who can get it? Again, this is aimed at students andstaff with an academic email address, though the university, college orschool doesn't have to have licensed Office as above. How do I get it?
Enter your uni, college or school email address on the. You'll be asked to log in through your institution's online portal, then follow the instructions.How long can I get these for?You can use the free Microsoft Office and/or the free onlinestorage for as long as you're enrolled at or employed by the academicinstitution.
Microsoft says student eligibility may need to be bereverified at any time.If you graduate or leave, the Office applications enter a'reduced-functionality' mode (meaning documents can be viewed but youcan't edit them or create new ones). OneDrive and other online servicesaccessed through your academic address will also stop working. What if I'm not eligible?If your school doesn't qualify, Microsoft suggests asking your ITdepartment to consider licensing Office through Microsoft's VolumeLicensing program.
Alternatively, if you really must have MicrosoftOffice and won't do, full and part-time students at academic institutions can get a four-year subscription to for £59.99. Is anproject which includes six word-processing programs.
It's compatible with many Microsoft documents.The newest version, is now out, and it looks and feels much more like its Microsoft counterparts. The programs included in LibreOffice are:Writer: A word processor, it's the equivalent of Microsoft Word.Calc: A spreadsheet program, its equivalent of Excel.Impress: Presentation software, it's the equivalent of Microsoft PowerPoint.Base: A database, it's the equivalent of Microsoft Access.Draw: A design program, especially useful for flowcharts.Math: A simple tool for equations. Charts: A program for creating and embedding charts and graphs.Combined, they make for a powerful suite of programs. It also works withMicrosoft's 'docx' standard, which most free office software isn'tcompatible with.Download. IWork is Apple's answer to the Microsoft Office suite of programs, only for Mac computers and iOS devices. It consists of (like Word), (like Excel) and (like Powerpoint). Some prefer the look and feel of these apps, especially if working across multiple Apple devices.Apple recently made all iWork programs free to download for ALLMac and iPhone/iPad users (previously you had to have bought a devicerecently).
Handily, iWork programs can access files created in Officeprograms, and you can save iWork files to work vice versa.If you've a newer machine you might find they're alreadyinstalled. If not, you can download them via the links below or bysearching the Mac or iOS App Store.You'll need to be running on your Mac, or on your iPhone/iPad, to install them.
These are free to upgrade to (though some older machines may not be compatible).Download (Mac):Download (iPhone/iPad): Free online office alternativesThe alternative to downloading anoffice suite is to use one of the many online options. With these,there's no installation to worry about, you can store your work online,and easily collaborate with others. The obvious flipside is you must beonline for them to work.Here are the best. Google's suite ofonline tools places more of an emphasis on collaboration than others.You can select a few people to work with you on the same document,spreadsheet, presentation or form, and they can all see it and makechanges in real time.It includes plentyof useful document, spreadsheet, and presentation templates which youcan use to get going. You can even set-up offline access when usingChrome.It's also the most web-oriented, since if you publish one of your, you can use all manner of Google's whizzy analytics tools to track its progress too.
Google Docs works in conjunction with, so you'll have 15GB of free storage (if you need more, see our guide).Try it. Thisbasic-but-superfast package is fine for simple tasks, but if you'regoing to need advanced features it's best to look elsewhere. 's largely aimed to help directors of small businesses who need to use various applications.Thereare a number of web applications on offer, including a word processor,spreadsheet builder and a presentation program.

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It stores all yourdocuments in its free online storage space (1GB), and allows you toshare them with (member) friends via email invitations.Try it. From Piriform, the same stable as CCleaner,is a defragmenting tool. Fragments are made when your computer splitsup files because there's not enough space in the place they wereoriginally saved.

It has a significant effect on performance, since whenre-opening these files, your PC has to find two (or more) piecesinstead of one. Defragmenters join the pieces together again, thusspeeding up the computer.Windowshas its own Disk Defragmenter, which can be found in the System Toolsmenu, but it takes ages, as it'll only go through your entire hard diskat one go.
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Defraggler can be used to do the job on a smaller scale: justchoose the files and it'll process them in a few seconds.The free version doesn't come with product support, or the paid-for version for £19.95 does.Download. It's worth trying outeven if you think your display looks fine. It's a display calibratorwhich can clean up the image you see on screen by tailoring yourcomputer's output to the characteristics of the monitor you're using.Theresults should be better tonal colour gradients, clearer text, andbetter long-term eyesight for you.Download: Free utilitiesIt can be a nightmare when you're having troubleopening certain file types or trying to get them to work on the rightdevice. Solutions for those fiddly little tasks can be a life saver, andfortunately more often than not it's possible to find free toolsonline to get the job done. This is a nifty, user-friendly site which can convert overof media file formats between each other.
So, if you've a CV documentfrom Word, and you'd like to make it a PDF instead, you simply put inyour email address, upload the file to convert, and choose '.pdf' in thedropdown box.will do the hard work, and then email you a link to download the newfile. One thing though, since it stores your files online beforeconversion, it's not advisable to use it to convert sensitive documents.For non-paying users, you can upload a maximum of 100MB of data split between up to five different files. But if you you can upload files up to 2GB in size.Try it: Free image & photo editing – downloadsGo top end on graphics software andyou can easily spend £1,000s, so it's good to see that capable freebieprograms exist. As the majority of photos are now digital, there aresome great free photo editing programs emerging too.

Students can get AutoDesk's computer-aided design software free for three years simply by registering.Thepackage includes over 40 AutoDesk products, including AutoCAD whichretails at £1,506 for a year's subscription! These are the most commoncomputer-aided design packages used for everything from mechanicalengineering design to urban planning.You get full functionality for three years, provided you're not using the software for commercial purposes.Any student or teacher with an email address can sign up to thewhere you download the software, as well as access forums, support andcontent sharing. It doesn't matter if you are part-time or about tograduate.Pleasenote, some of this software will come with built-in features to preventit being used commercially, such as a stamp on any printouts.Download: Free image & photo storage/editing – onlineThere are a few free options outthere for photo storage and basic editing online. Although you must beconnected to use them, operating via the web means you can store yourwork online and easily collaborate with others – plus there's no needto install anything. An acclaimed desktop publishing program,offers features usually only found on more expensive suites like MSPublisher or InDesign, such as CYMK colour and ICC colour management.Ifthat means nothing to you, but you want to make a professional magazine,then download this and read some of the detailed free tutorials. Alsoavailable for Linux.Download: Free audio & video – downloadsAs well as a free sound recordingprogram to banish Windows' Sound Recorder forever, there are ways toorganise your MP3 collection, an alternative media player which'll playalmost any format, and a clever converter which lets you play any videoyou like on your iPhone (or iPod, if you've still got one of those.). Free software listingsThis list covers the bestall-rounders, but it's just the tip of the iceberg.
There are plenty ofsites out there with vast listings of free programs.If you're looking for free antivirus software, read our dedicated guide.Or, if you're looking for a storage solution, take a read of theguide. Beware though, there are a lot of fakes out there which candownload malware and viruses onto your device. Always triple checkbefore downloading.Also check out the board, where regulars are keen to help (though remember there are no guarantees they're right). These sites may help too. What the. means aboveIf a link has an.
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by it, that means it is an affiliated link andtherefore it helps MoneySavingExpert stay free to use, as it is trackedto us. If you go through it, it can sometimes result in a payment orbenefit to the site. It's worth noting this means the third party usedmay be named on any credit agreements.You shouldn’t notice any difference and the link will never negativelyimpact the product. Plus the editorial line (the things we write) isNEVER impacted by these links. We aim to look at all availableproducts.
If it isn't possible to get an affiliate link for the topdeal, it is still included in exactly the same way, just with anon-paying link. For more details, read.Duplicate links of the. links above for the sake of transparency, but this version doesn't help How this site worksWe think it's important you understand thestrengths and limitations of the site.
PuTTY: a free SSH and Telnet client PuTTY: a free SSH and Telnet clientHome Download: PuTTY is a free implementation of SSH and Telnet for Windows and Unixplatforms, along with an xterm terminal emulator. It iswritten and maintained primarily by.The latest version is 0.73.LEGAL WARNING:Use of PuTTY, PSCP, PSFTP and Plink is illegal in countries whereencryption is outlawed. We believe it is legal to use PuTTY, PSCP,PSFTP and Plink in England and Wales and in many other countries, butwe are not lawyers, and so if in doubt you should seek legal advicebefore downloading it. You may find useful information at, which collectsinformation on cryptography laws in many countries, but wecan't vouch for its correctness.Use of the Telnet-only binary (PuTTYtel) is unrestricted by anycryptography laws.Latest news2019-09-29 PuTTY 0.73 releasedPuTTY 0.73, released today, is a bug-fix release. It fixes a small number of bugs since 0.72, and a couple of them have potential security implications.2019-07-20 PuTTY 0.72 releasedPuTTY 0.72, released today, is a bug-fix release. It fixes a smallnumber of further security issues found by the 2019 EU-fundedHackerOne bug bounty, and a variety of other bugs introduced in 0.71.2019-07-08 Bug bounty concludedThe EU-funded bug bounty programme is now closed.
Many thanks toeverybody who sent in reports!Anyone with a vulnerability to report should now go back to reportingit in the old way, via email to the PuTTY team, as described on the.If you think it needs to be reported confidentially, encrypt it withour Secure Contact Key.2019-03-25 Bug bounty continuesThis year's EU-funded bug bounty programme is stillrunning. It was originally scheduled to end on 7th March, butthere was money left over in the budget.