Sociological Foundation Of Curriculum Pdf


Retail v1.042 full patch (3 maps). Tron is the present-day video game sequel to the 1982 cult film classic that wasa landmark of computerized graphical ingenuity. TRON® 2.0, is a story-driven, first-person action game that propels the player into an alternate universe inside a computer. TRON 2.0 will work on Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP (both 32-bit and 64-bit in all cases). Step 1: Install the Unofficial v1.042 patch. Although TRON 2.0 already has the official patch included, this unofficial patch fixes a few more bugs, and is required in preparation to further enhance the game. Unofficial TRON 2.0 PC v1.042 Patch - Mirror 2 Unofficial TRON 2.0 PC v1.042 Patch - Mirror 3 Unofficial v1.042 English Patch, that improves on the Official one. Official tron 2.0 v1.042 patch.

The relation of education with society and culture is very deep. Both are dependent on each other. The relationship between education and society has been summed up by the international commission on the development of education, (1972) as, “In our view, there is a close correlation between changes, in the Socio-economic environment and the structures and forms of action of education, which we believe makes a functional contribution to historical movement. Moreover, it seems to us that through the knowledge it provides of the environment in which it operates, education may help society to become aware of its problems”.Education is a reflection of the social, cultural and political conditions prevailing outside. It reflects society but, in turn, it has within it the seeds of dynamics of change and thus can keep with the fast changing world.Different social and cultural values provide basis for educational.system. The educational system of a society is a reflection of the values of that society. The philosophy of life, the way of life, various religious beliefs etc.

Of a society provide a base for educational system of that society. They have a direct effect on education. A Muslim society must have such educational system, which is based on the principles of Islam, and so is the case with other societies. The function of education is not only imparting knowledge to children it has a great responsibility with the march of civilization. It is an instrument of social and cultural change.

Education is expected to play an important role in tackling antisocial behavior. It is concerned with preparing the mind of the pupil and students for the right type of thinking in a society so that he may be able to solve various problems of the society amicably. Education is considered to be an important instrument of assisting people in knowing their weaknesses and enabling them to gain necessary knowledge in order to achieve progress in various spheres of their life in a systematic manner.In a nutshell, education is an instrument of social and cultural change.

Foundations Of The Curriculum

It can impart knowledge, training, and skills as well as inculcate new ideas and attitudes among the young. On the other hand, it is culture and society in which education germinates and flowers. It is the culture also upon which education exerts in turn, a nourishing influence.


The curriculum reflects the societyand culture of a country and this is the desire of a society that theirchildren should learn the habits, ideas, attitudes and skills of the adultsociety and culture and educational institutional are the proper way to impartthese skill. The duty of teacher and school is to discipline the young of thesociety and provide them the set of experiences in the form of curriculum. Theneeds, knowledge and information of the society provide foundation in theformation of curriculum. Philosophy and ideology of educationprovide rules and principles which lead the in decision-making regardingeducational practices and polices planning. It Guides the curriculum planner onthe basses of the philosophical and ideological belief of the society in theconstructing of subject matter keeping in view the future demands and needs ofthe schools and help in the promoting of human life through social change inthe behavior of the students. In Pakistan the ideological beliefs of thesociety is based on Islam.

Philosophy and ideology has directeffect in curriculum planning because it guides the curriculum planner in theselection of the objectives. As it provides guidelines in the selection ofobjectives, Learning experiences and content of the curriculum, and how toevaluate the curriculum, learning experiences and achievements of the students.Some justification provided for the implications of curriculum given bydifferent researcher are as under (Rud Yard K. Bent and Urruh, n.d.);.

Various customs values, traditions andknowledge need to be preserved by transfer them to the next generation. The students also needed theknowledge of past and present in which they live, it help them in theprocess of adaptation and adjusting their self to new changes and newsituation in life. All those content of a subject whohelps in intellectual development rather than practical value.

It teachesstudent how to reason, develops mental ability to solve the problems inpractical life situations.