Microemulator Device Profile
To change this behavior, click Run External Tools External Tools Configurations from Eclipse’s main menu: In the External Tools Configurations dialog, select an Ant build file on the left, then JRE tab on the right: Now we have three options to specify a JRE for the selected Ant build file:. For example, this project is configured with JRE 7: Then any Ant script created in this project will be executed under JRE 7 by default: Sometimes we need to run Ant script in another JRE which differs from the project’s JRE. Run in the same JRE as the workspace.
Gia Lap Microemulator
Download a Local Profile to a Device:POST /devices/profile/actions/downloadenablePOST /devices/profile/actions/downloaddisableDownloads an eUICC local profile to a device and enables the profile ( downloadenable) or leaves it disabled ( downloaddisable) so that it can be.NOTE: This API is currently in limited release, and is not yet available to all customer accounts. Contents.See also:Uses and RequirementsThe device must have been activated and have an assigned ICCID before you can download a local profile to it or make profile changes.ThingSpace sends an asynchronous callback message when the profile has been downloaded, or if there was a problem and the download failed. Request Components HTTP RequestUse the first endpoint shown here to download a local profile and enable it, or use the second endpoint to download a local profile that can be enabled later. POST Path and Query ParametersThe endpoint of the resource path specifies the action that you want to take:. downloadenable - Download a local profile to the devices and enable the profile. downloaddisable - Download a local profile to the devices, but do not enable the profile.Header ParametersThe request header must contain a current ThingSpace authorization bearer token and a valid VZ-M2M session token, and must set the content-type to JSON.
Microemulator Device Profile Template
Parameter NameData TypeDescriptionAuthorizationrequiredstringHTTP Authorization bearer token.VZ-M2M-TokenrequiredstringA valid session token returned by.Content-TyperequiredstringMust be application/json.Request BodyThe request body identifies the device to which you want to download a local profile. Parameter NameData TypeDescriptiondevicesrequiredarray of deviceIds objectsThe EID and ICCID of the device that you want to download a local profile to.