Microemulator Device Profile


To change this behavior, click Run External Tools External Tools Configurations from Eclipse’s main menu: In the External Tools Configurations dialog, select an Ant build file on the left, then JRE tab on the right: Now we have three options to specify a JRE for the selected Ant build file:. For example, this project is configured with JRE 7: Then any Ant script created in this project will be executed under JRE 7 by default: Sometimes we need to run Ant script in another JRE which differs from the project’s JRE. Run in the same JRE as the workspace. Ant execute java programs

Microemulator device profile sizeMicroemulator device profile testDevice

Gia Lap Microemulator

Download a Local Profile to a Device:POST /devices/profile/actions/downloadenablePOST /devices/profile/actions/downloaddisableDownloads an eUICC local profile to a device and enables the profile ( downloadenable) or leaves it disabled ( downloaddisable) so that it can be.NOTE: This API is currently in limited release, and is not yet available to all customer accounts. Contents.See also:Uses and RequirementsThe device must have been activated and have an assigned ICCID before you can download a local profile to it or make profile changes.ThingSpace sends an asynchronous callback message when the profile has been downloaded, or if there was a problem and the download failed. Request Components HTTP RequestUse the first endpoint shown here to download a local profile and enable it, or use the second endpoint to download a local profile that can be enabled later. POST Path and Query ParametersThe endpoint of the resource path specifies the action that you want to take:. downloadenable - Download a local profile to the devices and enable the profile. downloaddisable - Download a local profile to the devices, but do not enable the profile.Header ParametersThe request header must contain a current ThingSpace authorization bearer token and a valid VZ-M2M session token, and must set the content-type to JSON.

Microemulator Device Profile Template

Parameter NameData TypeDescriptionAuthorizationrequiredstringHTTP Authorization bearer token.VZ-M2M-TokenrequiredstringA valid session token returned by.Content-TyperequiredstringMust be application/json.Request BodyThe request body identifies the device to which you want to download a local profile. Parameter NameData TypeDescriptiondevicesrequiredarray of deviceIds objectsThe EID and ICCID of the device that you want to download a local profile to.