Gundam Evolve Sub Indo
Synopsis The United Earth Sphere Alliance is a powerful military organization that has ruled over Earth and space colonies with an iron fist for several decades. When the colonies proclaimed their opposition to this, their leader was assassinated. Now, in the year After Colony 195, bitter colonial rebels have launched 'Operation Meteor,' sending five powerful mobile suits to Earth for vengeance. Built out of virtually indestructible material called Gundanium Alloy, these 'Gundams' begin an assault against the Alliance and its sub organization OZ.One Gundam, whose pilot has taken the name of the slain colony leader Heero Yuy, is forced to make a crash landing into the ocean after an atmospheric battle against OZ's ace pilot Zechs Marquise. Upon coming ashore, he is found by Relena Peacecraft, daughter of a peace-seeking politician, who witnesses Heero's descent to Earth.
Although neither of them realize it yet, this encounter will have a profound impact on both their lives, as well as those on Earth and in space colonies.Written by MAL Rewrite. Overall8Story8Animation7Sound6Character9Enjoyment7Gundam Wing enjoys a hefty helping of popularity in the eyes of western otaku alongside with its brother, Gundam SEED (whether this is a pro or not, is up to the viewer). Wing can owe its success to one of many things. It began its American broadcast just as anime was starting to peak to the next generation, a large and somewhat epic plot contrasting many simple episodic American cartoons or, Wing could simply owe its success to the bad assery of Wing Zero (say what you will - those wings trounce 90% of the Gundams made).StoryThe story, like all Gundam plots revolve aroundwar, two opposing factions of space and the earth, a boy and his chance encounter with a Gundam. At first, GW bombards you with the names of many factions and organizations that play a key role in making the world of GW what it is. When you truly begin to grasp what a certain organization is and what it stands for, it has just been defeated and wiped from the show. Although, quite annoying, GW exemplifies the concept that, those who don't evolve, won't survive.
Throughout the first half of the series (before the emergence of Mobile Dolls), GW centralizes around world events caused in response to the happenings of the main characters and their actions. As the plot moves along, we take a more personal look at the main (8) characters - why they fight, what their objectives are and who their allies/enemies are. In the final curtain, both these plots come together for the inevitable 'Gundam Final Showdown.' Action is spread out enough to keep the viewer entertained but remember; GW is not a shounen anime.
The plot encompasses the soldiers of war and their actions for their respective sides.Animation and SoundThis is no KyoAni work, but it's also nothing close to the bottom of the barrel. GW's animation is mid to high quality (even for 2007) thanks to Sunrise. Most scenes take place in the dark of a room or space so remember to turn up the brightness. Animation quality drops at points (a given) but even then, it's appealing enough to keep the screen on.
Windows 8 offline updater. GW isn't as clean as SEED nor do the mobile suits have the same shiny effect as G.U.N.D.A.M's but given the time difference, it's understandable. Most of the OST in GW consists of great battle music to fit the occasion.
Gundam Evolve Sub Indonesia
Battle armament sounds are top notch, especially Heavyarm's guns and Wing Zero's shoulder vulcans. The largest ball drop is the lack of music during most anti-climactic scenes - making them quite dull. As well as random sound effects when character comes to realization about something.CharactersAh, therein lies the success to any Gundam. As said before, those that don't evolve, won't survive. As such, each and every main character (8 by my count) goes through a change or situation where they must make a choice.
This pseudo character development grants us a clearer view on each character's motives and reasoning behind their actions. GW sports a large cast where each main character is paired with another of the opposite sex for contrast/similarities. Not including the immense support cast, GW already has lots of names to remember.
But don't be intimidated! Most non-essential characters die within a few episodes anyways. Jokes aside, it's very easy to remember all the important characters and the support character or the day.OverallAlthough I wasn't pumped for this review, GW is still a great watch. It's one of those anime's that suffers a lot of disdain for the popularity it gets. It's in the eye of the beholder whether you'll like it or not. The first 20 or so episodes is great - political manipulation and backstabbing at its finniest. Then the centrality shifts and once more towards the end - essentially, you may not like what you see at first but remember, there's about 3 'arcs' in which the genre wavers to appeal to more audiences.
Overall9Story8Animation9Sound10Character8Enjoyment9Even though the characters tend to have more one-dimensional personalities, it’s used effectively in a way where they can be distinctive and stand out, and serves as a motivation to develop the characters in their own way. All sides of the conflict have characters that have beliefs in why they do what they do, and you can sympathize with them.
Certain characters will consistently change because a new revelation or turn of events will unveil that will impact them, and you can say it’s a reality of politics and war which I think is presented in a less complex manner in comparison to Tomino’s Gundams.With the previous Gundam series, G Gundam being more hand to hand oriented, this series goes back to the traditional space battlefield with guns, lasers, and missiles, and are taken to a whole new extreme. The fights are fast paced and diverse with the many mobile suits that are present,and the environments they all take place in such as land, sea, air, and space, are always exciting and you’re getting something different. With the use of coloring and resolution, it is easy to follow the fast paced action this series has to offer.Like the characters, the mobile suits themselves that contain singular but yet distinguishing traits all have their uses and are given equal time to stand out. Like the Wing Gundam is the all rounder, the deathsytche being close range, and Heavyarms being long range, etc. And also, the skills of the pilot will also effect the outcome of how the mobile suit can be used. Such as when Heero had to pilot Heavyarms for example. And you also have the Mercurus and the Vayeate which represented offense and defense and I feel that the staff read the art of war first to apply some of the principles you see in this series.The character design also brought in a traditional “bishounen” design to the franchise.
Nothing wrong with that. They are also very diverse and distinctive in which once again their features are distinguished. I love how the expressions come across and the use of costumes.
I also found it unique that this series plays homage to Char Aznable through Zechs Merquise with his get up so you’re basically getting Gundam, Zeta Gundam, and Char’s Counterattack all rolled into one with this series.I’ll have to say that both the English and Japanese voice cast is probably the best I’ve heard in any anime in both name recognition and performance. On the Japanese side, you have big names like the multi-talented Midorikawa Hikaru playing Heero Yuy, and there’s also Mark Hildreth, the voice of Terry from Fatal Fury playing him in English. They both do a convincing job of making Heero coming across as something of an emotionless being who exclusively cares about what he’s doing. And the charismatic Koyasu Takehito is very menacing as Zechs, but I really like how Brian Drummond, the English actor does a much better job of bringing out his compassionate side. I also really enjoyed Brad Swale’s portrayal of Quatre, I thought it was far superior to Orikasa Ai’s performance. Granted Quatre is the most human, I just thought that even though he is played by a woman in the Japanese version, he sounded too feminine, but the English version was just perfect.The music itself is classic and one of the most addicting soundtracks you’ll ever hear that also defines Jpop in the mid 90s.
When it was on Toonami, I thought it was cool that whenever they played the opening themes, Just Communication and Rhythm Emotion as a background song, I thought it was awesome they retained it in American TV. If it were 4Kids, they change it to some lame rap.
But I thought the music also defined the intense and adrenaline rush nature of the show.Granted I do believe this series is a great gateway to the Gundam universe, I personally don’t believe it should be used as a barometer to what defines a great Gundam series. Each Gundam is different. You can’t compare this series to 08th MS Team, or Zeta Gundam.
But this series does have its significant flaws like all other series have, and which is why I have never given any anime so far an overall perfect 10/10. But if anything annoyed me about this series, it is most certainly Relena. I remember after Gundam Wing aired, there were websites in dedication to her death.
I’ll admit I was and still am one of those fan boys who wish Relena died. She’s like the Hillary Clinton of the anime universe. And I don’t mean that as a compliment. I find her to be annoying, and a hypocrite. If you have seen the series, you know what I’m talking about, and if you want to know, check this series out. Overall6Story4Animation8Sound7Character3Enjoyment6Whether brought in as a pure import of the original content at hand or a distillation of several ideas taken from it to form a new product, Japanese media, and its aesthetic sensibilities, have constantly found its way stateside throughout the decades.
From live-action shows to those of the animated variety, the stylistic fingerprint left behind by this cultural entity has continuously drawn the attention of curious onlookers. A curiosity that's led to you, the reader, and me, the writer, to this point of intersection. And from all the decades that this media has been funneled into the states, perhaps no other time period hasproven to be quite as pivotal in kick-starting the western anime fan-base quite as prominently as the period in the 90s. While the 2010s has congregated an international community with the most apparent signs of community growth, it's the 90s where the fledgling stages of said community were truly seen taking form.Among the series that helped cultivated this young fanbase, Gundam Wing was one of the biggest to make its debut, becoming a tent-pole entry that not only served as a gateway title to the Gundam franchise but perhaps, more importantly, a show that became many viewers first exposure with anime altogether. Because of its status as many people's initial experience with the medium, or at the very least, their first conscious discernment between Japanese and Western animated works, a great deal of nostalgic value has been associated with it.
A predicament that would inadvertently lead to a lot of blind appraisal under false pretenses, whether the parties in question were aware of it or not.Its influence in the western climate is undeniable but that doesn't negate it from the same baseline criticisms applicable to any other show. And in that regard, Gundam Wing is far from a timestamp of fidelity and quality-control. Overall4Story2Animation6Sound5Character4Enjoyment1If you are a fan of Gundam Wing you may not like this review.Am going too, go ahead and judge Gundam Wing for what it is and not the base of nostalgia love that I use too, have.Also, keeps this in mind I was one of those kids whom grew up with Wing and loved it. Also, I didn’t complete the series when I was a kid because at the time period Gundam Wing was slowly disappearing out of Cartoon Network along with Outlaw Star and Cowboy Bebop so I never finished the show back then but for what I saw in Gundam WingI love it.Many years later many people that I know recommended me too, watch this show again because I didn’t finish it back then. Then I decided to, watch it from start to, finish and well am going too, be real honest with you all.I don’t think Gundam Wing is as awesome as I thought it was. Infect I actually think it’s one of the worst Gundam shows. Why do I think are one of the worst Gundam shows you will find out this review?Hello, everyone, this is Shawn aka PhantomKurata and welcome too, my review of Gundam Wing and with out of the way let’s gets started.Story.It is the year after colony 195.
The earth alliance along with OZ and the Romefeller Foundation is in total control of the five colonies and space too, fight back against them the colony scientist commences operation meter and sends five young mobile suits pilots too, fight for independence. The five young pilots being Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner and Chang Wufei. Throughout the series the five must battle the best that OZ has too, offer including the leader Trace Khushrenada and the right-hand man Zechs Marquise.Now I have some good things too, say about Gundam Wing story but at the same time a lot of bad things.The story of Gundam Wing is what you expect from a Gundam show. The colonies are being oppressed by a powerful faction and are now declaring independence. However as the series progresses we are introduced too, new elements and plot twists too, make the story feel fresh. I thought some story elements were kinda enjoyable too, watch.