Doble Tilde Windows Vista
Hi, I'm in a bit of a pickle, got a problem with an EXE which we need to set to 'Windows 2000 Compatibility Mode' using a script. I need to update an existing.exe file on several hundred computers, and was planning on using Group Policy to run a VBscript on login to change the properties on that.exe file so that its in 2000 compatibility mode. Can anyone help me knock up a quick vbsript to do this please. I've spent some time looking, but no articles on setting the compatibilty attribute of exe files. Yep, that's just a standard Windows command that you can run from a.cmd file or a command prompt.
Also, sorry, small mistake, you need double quotes around the reg path as it has a space in it like this: REG.EXE ADD 'HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionAppCompatFlagsLayers' /v 'C:AppsMyprog.exe' /t REGSZ /d 'WIN2000' /f To run this from VBS you'll need to do something like: Set Shell = CreateObject('WScript.Shell') Shell.Run 'REG.EXE ADD 'HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionAppCompatFlagsLayers' & ' /v 'C:AppsMyprog.exe' /t REGSZ /d 'WIN2000' /f', 0, 1. Hi, you can set compatibility mode via the registry for all users under: HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionAppCompatFlagsLayers Create a REGSZ value under this key with a name of the path to your exe, for example 'C:AppsMyprog.exe' and then the value will be 'WIN2000'. You can script this by running regedit.exe to apply an exported.reg file, or to run reg.exe to create the values by running something like: REG.EXE ADD HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionAppCompatFlagsLayers /v 'C:AppsMyprog.exe' /t REGSZ /d 'WIN2000' /f or you could use StdRegProv, see. Hope this helps, Rob. Yep, that's just a standard Windows command that you can run from a.cmd file or a command prompt. Also, sorry, small mistake, you need double quotes around the reg path as it has a space in it like this: REG.EXE ADD 'HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionAppCompatFlagsLayers' /v 'C:AppsMyprog.exe' /t REGSZ /d 'WIN2000' /f To run this from VBS you'll need to do something like: Set Shell = CreateObject('WScript.Shell') Shell.Run 'REG.EXE ADD 'HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionAppCompatFlagsLayers' & ' /v 'C:AppsMyprog.exe' /t REGSZ /d 'WIN2000' /f', 0, 1.
Keyboard Typing Instead Of Double Quotes
Poster:I will never understand why MS localized such a special syntax and on the other side did not propagate a document in the localized languages.Even the English documentation was far from complete. I too had to figure out many things on my own and to test every single AQS query myself. If I had faced the language difference that you had, I might have given up.As to why Microsoft removed the user documentation, I can only speculate. When Vista came out, it was heavily criticized and people said that the new Windows Search 'did not work'. I suspect that MS decided that AQS was 'too geeky' and so they added more drop-down choices and graphic options to search in Windows 7 and later.Perhaps they thought that people would be confused by the user AQS pages that were available during the Vista period. I see this as part of the general trend toward the 'dumbing down' of both Windows and of much consumer software. I hate that trend!Cheers,Doug Mackie.
LyricsLover:The only way to know if you have found a working german AQS keyword is the color change as soon as you typed in a correct AQS keyword followed by a colonFirst step is to find the correct german tag-name. I learned these by making a right-click on the head of the columns, where you select the columns you want to see or having a look in the delails of a file.More complicated is the syntax itself as you know.As I mentioned I mostly use the feature to preselect files for Mp3Tag and there it is often possible to avoid complicated syntax.i.e.
Looking for short mp3s I simply would create the column length and sort for this column.All I could find with the german syntax in the internet were pages like 'Die besten Tipps zur Suche', where some examples were listed but I never a complete documentary.BTW I found a nice english cheat-sheet for the syntax as a pdf.