Devices.fcp.changer Aix 6.1

In our case, it is not required to install this packages.Understanding the cfgmgr “devices.fcp.changer” messageThe cfgmgr error:cfgmgr: 0514-621 WARNING: The following device packages are requiredfor device support but are not currently installed.devices.fcp.changermeans the result of the cfgmgr device scan is receiving a response from a device that is reporting itself as a “changer”. “changer” devices are themedia changer/robotic devices in tape libraries or CD/DVD jukeboxes. There is no fileset named “devices.fcp.changer”, it’s simply AIX’s way of reporting that there is a media changer device responding to the cfgmgr scan that AIX does not have a device driver for.Regards.

Devices.fcp.changer Aix 7.1
By Saiprasad Parkar, Pratikkumar ShahaUpdated February 25, 2013 Published February 25, 2013IntroductionThe Subsystem Device Driver (SDD)is a software solution to support the multipath configuration environments in supported storage devices. Show more Show more iconYou can check the disk policy using the pcmpath query device command. Round robin algorithmYou can also check the FCS adapter usages using the nmon tool. This tool helps to understand which FCS adapters are being used.