Clinical Procedures In Primary Eye Care Elliott Pdf


Evidence-based eye examinations - David B Elliott1.1 Evidence-based optometry1.2. 'Screen everybody, so I don’t miss any glaucoma': is this reasonable?1.3. Primary eye care examination formats1.4 ReferencesChapter 2. Communication Skills - David B Elliott2.1 Turning anxious patients into satisfied ones2.2 Record cards and recording2.3 The case history2.4 Discussion of diagnoses and management plan2.5 Recording diagnoses and management plans.2.6 Patient information provision2.7 Referral letter or report.Chapter 3. Assessment of Visual Function - David Elliott & John Flanagan3.1.

Differential diagnosis information from other assessments3.2. Distance visual acuity3.3. Near visual acuity (and near vision adequacy)3.4. Central visual field screening3.5. Central visual field analysis3.6. Peripheral suprathreshold visual field screening3.7. Central 10 degree visual field analysis3.8.

Clinical Procedures In Primary Eye Care Elliott Pdf

Visual field assessment for drivers3.9. Gross visual field screening3.10 Congenital colour vision3.11 Acquired colour vision3.12 Contrast sensitivity3.13 Disability glare3.14 Potential vision assessment3.15 Assessment of macular function3.16 ReferencesChapter 4. Refraction and Prescribing - David B Elliott4.1. Differential diagnosis information from other assessments4.2.

Interpupillary distance (PD)4.4. Phoropter or trial frame?4.5. Objective refraction4.6.


Monocular Subjective Refraction4.7. Best vision sphere (Maximum plus to maximum VA; MPMVA)4.8. Best Vision Sphere (The plus/minus technique)4.9. Duochrome (or Bichrome) Test4.10. Assessment of astigmatism4.11.

Binocular balancing4.12. Binocular subjective refraction4.13. Cycloplegic refraction4.14. The reading addition.4.15.

PrescribingChapter 5. Contact Lens Assessment - Catharine Chisholm and Craig A Woods5.1 Contact Lens fitting5.2. Pre-fitting case history5.3. Corneal diameter, pupil and lid aperture measurement5.4. Corneal topography5.6. Preliminary slit lamp biomicroscopy and tear film assessment5.7. Soft contact lens fitting5.8.

Spherical soft lens trial lens selection5.9. Spherical soft lens fit assessment5.10. Toric soft lens fitting5.11. Presbyopic soft lens fitting5.12.

Fitting RGP contact lenses5.13. Patient instruction for contact lens care5.14. Contact lens aftercareChapter 6. Assessment of binocular vision and accommodation - Brendan Barrett6.1.

Relevant information from Case History & Assessments of Other Systems6.2. The cover test6.3.

Other Tests for the Detection & Measurement of Heterotropia6.4 Other tests for the Detection & Measurement of Heterophoria6.5. Fixation disparity6.6.

Convergence ability: Near Point of Convergence (NPC) and Jump Convergence6.7. Fusional reserves6.8.

Vergence Facility: prism flippers6.9. Amplitude of accommodation6.10. Accommodative Facility6.11. Accommodation Accuracy6.12. Accommodative convergence/ accommodation (AC/A) ratio6.13.

Suppression tests6.14. Motility Test and Other Tests for Diagnosing/Measuring Incomitancy6.16. Identifying the Defective Muscle: Parks 3-Step Test6.17. Assessment of Eye Movements6.18. Consider Test Results in CombinationChapter 7.

Ocular Health Assessment - C. Lisa Prokopich, Patricia Hrynchak, David B Elliott & John Flanagan7.1.

Differential diagnosis information from other assessments7.2. Examination of the anterior segment and ocular adnexa7.3. Tear film & ocular surface assessment7.4. Assessment of the lacrimal drainage system7.5.

Anterior chamber angle depth estimation7.6. Instillation of diagnostic drugs7.9. Pupil light reflexes7.10. Fundus Examination, particularly the posterior pole7.11 Optical Coherence Tomography7.12.

Fundus examination, particularly the peripheral retinaChapter 8. Variations in Appearance of the Normal Eye - David B Elliott & Konrad Pesudovs8.1. Anterior eye variations8.2. Anterior eye changes in older patients8.3.

Clinical Procedures In Primary Eye Care Elliott Pdf Download

Lens and vitreous variations8.4. Lens and vitreous changes in older patients8.5. Optic nerve head variations8.6.

Fundus variations8.7. Fundus changes in older patients8.8. Peripheral fundus variations8.9. Peripheral fundus changes in older patients8.10.

Myopic eyesChapter 9. Physical Examination Procedures - Patricia Hrynchak9.1. Differential diagnosis information from other assessments9.2. Lymphadenopathy in the head-neck region9.3. Blood pressure measurement9.4.

Carotid artery assessment.