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Programming in ansi C by Balaguruswami.1.Scilab Textbook Companion forProgramming In Ansi Cby E. Balagurusamy1Created byDevender Thakurcomputer scienceComputer EngineeringShoolini University, SolanCollege TeacherMr. Amit NayyarCross-Checked byMay 23, 20161Funded by a grant from the National Mission on Education through ICT,This Textbook Companion and Scilabcodes written in it can be downloaded from the ”Textbook Companion Project”section at the website DescriptionTitle: Programming In Ansi CAuthor: E.
BalagurusamyPublisher: Tata McGraw - Hill Education, New DelhiEdition: 4Year: 2008ISBN: 978-0-07-064822-71.Scilab numbering policy used in this document and the relation to theabove book.Exa Example (Solved example)Eqn Equation (Particular equation of the above book)AP Appendix to Example(Scilab Code that is an Appednix to a particularExample of the above book)For example, Exa 3.51 means solved example 3.51 of this book. Sec 2.3 meansa scilab code whose theory is explained in Section 2.3 of the book.2.ContentsList of Scilab Codes 41 Overview of C 52 Constants Variables and Data Types 93 Operators and Expressions 144 Managing Input and Output Operations 205 Decision Making and Branching 296 Decision Making and Looping 387 Arrays 498 Character Arrays and Strings 639 User Defined Functions 7410 Structures and Unions 8512 File Management in C 9313 Dynamic Memory Allocation and linked Lists 1023.List of Scilab CodesExa 1.3 Printing a mesage. 5Exa 1.4 Adding two numbers.
5Exa 1.5 Interest Calculation. 6Exa 1.6 Use of subroutines. 7Exa 1.7 Use of math functions.
7Exa 2.1 Representation of integer constants on a 16 bit computer 9Exa 2.1cs Case study 1 avg of numbers. 10Exa 2.2 typical declarations assignments and values stored invarious types of variables. 10Exa 2.2cs Case study temprature in Farenheit and Celsius. 11Exa 2.3 use of scanf function.
12Exa 2.4 Interest calculation using scanf. 12Exa 3.1 Use of integer arithmetic. 14Exa 3.1cs case study 1 salesmans salary. 14Exa 3.2 Sequence of squares of numbers. 15Exa 3.2cs case study 2 solution of the quadratic equation. 16Exa 3.3 Different kind of operators. 16Exa 3.4 Use of variables in expressions.
17Exa 3.5 Round off errors. 18Exa 3.6 Cast to evaluate the equation. 19Exa 4.1 Use of getchar function. 20Exa 4.1cs Case study 1 Inventory report. 21Exa 4.2 Whether character is alphabet or digit or special char-acter. 22Exa 4.2cs Case study 2 Reliability graph. 23Exa 4.3 Print character in reverse case.
Ansi C Balaguruswamy Rapidshare Youtube
23Exa 4.4 Input formatting options. 24Exa 4.5 Reading of real numbers. 254.Exa 4.6 Reading of strings. 25Exa 4.8 Testing for correctness. 26Exa 4.9 Output of integer numbers. 27Exa 4.10 Printing a real number. 27Exa 4.11 Printing of character and strings.
28Exa 5.1 Ratio. 29Exa 5.1cs Case study 1 range of numbers. 30Exa 5.2 counts the number of boys. 31Exa 5.2cs Case study 2 Pay Bill Calculations. 31Exa 5.3 Evaluate the power series.
33Exa 5.4 Largest of the three numbers. 34Exa 5.5 Reads the customer number and power consumed. 35Exa 5.6 Loan applications and to sanction loans.
35Exa 5.7 square root for five numbers. 36Exa 6.1 evaluate the equation. 38Exa 6.1cs Case study 1 Table of Binomial Coefficients. 38Exa 6.2 Multiplication table.
40Exa 6.2cs Case study 2 Histogram. 40Exa 6.3 Uses a for loop. 41Exa 6.3cs Case study 3 Minimum Cost. 42Exa 6.4 Read the marks and print total marks. 43Exa 6.4cs Case study 4 Plotting of two Functions. 44Exa 6.5 Use of the break statement.
46Exa 6.6 Evaluate the series. 46Exa 6.7 Use of continue statement.
47Exa 1.cs Case study 1 Median of list of numbers. 49Exa 2.cs Case study 2 Calculation of standard deviation. 50Exa 3.cs Case study 3 Evaluating a Test. 51Exa 4.cs Case study 4 Production and sales analysis. 52Exa 7.1 Sum of squares of 10 numbers. 56Exa 7.2 Count the number of students.
57Exa 7.3 Compute and print. 58Exa 7.4 Multiplication table. 60Exa 7.5 Popularity of various cars. 60Exa 1.cs Case study 1 Counting words in a text. 63Exa 2.cs Case study 2 Processing of a customer list. 64Exa 8.1 Read a series of words. 66Exa 8.2 Read a line of text.
665.Exa 8.3 Copy one string into another. 67Exa 8.4 Display the string under various format specifications. 67Exa 8.5 Program using for loop. 68Exa 8.6 Print the alphabet set a to z and A to Z. 69Exa 8.7 Concatinate the three parts into one string. 70Exa 8.8 Compare whether strings are equal.
71Exa 8.9 Sort a list of names in alphabetical order. 72Exa 1.cs Case study 1 Calculation of Area under a Curve.
74Exa 9.1 Multiple functions. 75Exa 9.2 Include arguments in function calls. 76Exa 9.3 Return result. 77Exa 9.4 Computes x raised to the power y. 78Exa 9.5 Calculate standard deviation of an array values.
79Exa 9.6 Sort an array. 80Exa 9.7 Autometic variables. 81Exa 9.8 Global variables.
82Exa 9.16 Factorial of a number using recursion. 83Exa 1.cs Case study 1 Book Shop Inventory. 85Exa 10.1 Define a structure type. 87Exa 10.2 Comparison of structure variables. 88Exa 10.3 Calculate the subject wise and student wise totals. 89Exa 10.4 Array member to represent the three subjects.
90Exa 10.5 structure as a parameter to a function. 91Exa 12.1 Read data from keyboard and write it to a file.
93Exa 12.2 Read and write odd and even numbers. 94Exa 12.3 Read and write data to and from the file INVENTORY 96Exa 12.4 Error handling in file operations. 97Exa 12.5 use of function ftell or mtell and fseek or mseek. 98Exa 12.6 Append additional items to the file INVENTORY. 100Exa 1.cs Case study 1 Insertion in a sorted list.
102Exa 2.cs Case study 2 Building a Sorted List. 105Exa 13.3 Create a linear linked list. 107Exa 13.4 Insert the item before the specified key node. 109Exa 13.5 Delete a specified node in the list. 1116.Chapter 1Overview of CScilab code Exa 1.3 Printing a mesage1 // Example 1. 32 // SAMPLE PROGRAM 1: PRINTING A MESSAGE34 // P r i n t i n g Begins5 printf(” I see, I remember”) // P r i n t i n g using p r i n t f ( )f u n c t i o n6 // P r i n t i n g ends789 //We can a l s o p r i n t a message using disp ( ) f u n c t i o nin s c i l a b10 disp(” I see, I remember”) // P r i n t i n g using disp ( )f u n c t i o nScilab code Exa 1.4 Adding two numbers7.1 // Example 1.
42 // SAMPLE PROGRAM 2: ADDING TWO NUMBERS34 number =100;5 amount =30.75+75.35; // Addition of two numbers6 disp(number); // Display value of numberv a r i a b l e7 // Display value of amount in f l o a t i n g point withf i v e p l a c e s in a l l and two p l a c e s to the r i g h t ofdecimalpoint8 printf(”%5. 2 f ”,amount);Scilab code Exa 1.5 Interest Calculation1 // Example 1.