Active Ingredient In Lysol Disinfecting Wipes
For the album by the Melvins, see. LysolProduct type,OwnerCountryIntroduced1889; 131 years ago ( 1889)MarketsWorldwidePrevious owners(later subsidiary of )Tagline'Healthing'WebsiteLysol ( ) is a brand name of cleaning and products distributed by the company. The line includes liquid solutions for hard and soft surfaces, air treatment, and hand washing.
The in many Lysol products is, but the active ingredient in the Lysol 'Power and Free' line is. Some of the scents from Lysol include 'Crisp Linen', 'Floral', 'Fruit & Citrus', 'Gourmand', and 'Fresh'. It is marketed with the spelling 'Lizol' in India. A 1935 advertisement from promoting Lysol as a feminine hygiene product, using the slogan 'The poise that knowledge gives'The first Lysol Brand Antiseptic Disinfectant was introduced in 1889 by Dr. Gustav Raupenstrauch to help end a epidemic in Germany.
The original formulation of Lysol contained. This formulation may still be available commercially in some parts of the world.Formulations containing are still available in the.In 1911, poisoning by drinking Lysol was the most common means of suicide in Australia and New York. One of the active ingredients, is highly toxic to fish (LC50 = 280 μg ai/L), very highly toxic to aquatic invertebrates (LC50 = 5.9 μg ai/L), moderately toxic to birds (LD50 = 136 mg/kg-bw), and slightly toxic ('safe') to mammals (LD50 = 430 mg/kg-bw). Used in the 1918 Spanish flu In 1918, during the, advertised Lysol disinfectant as an effective countermeasure to the influenza virus.
Newspaper advertisements provided tips for preventing the spread of the disease, including washing sick-rooms with Lysol, as well as everything that came in contact with patients. A small (US50¢) bottle made 5 US gallons (19 l; 4.2 imp gal) of disinfectant solution, and a smaller (US25¢) bottle made 2 US gallons (7.6 l; 1.7 imp gal). The company also advertised the 'unrefined' Lysol F.
(Farm & Factory) for use in factories and other large buildings – a 5-US-gallon (19 l; 4.2 imp gal) can, when diluted as directed, made 50 US gallons (190 l; 42 imp gal) of disinfecting solution. As a 'feminine hygiene' product In the late 1920s Lysol disinfectant began being marketed as a ' product by maker and distributor It was claimed vaginal with a diluted Lysol solution prevented infections and vaginal odor, and thereby preserved youth and marital bliss. This Lysol solution was also used as a agent, as post-coital was a popular method of preventing pregnancy at that time. The use of Lysol was later discouraged by the medical community as it tended to eliminate the bacteria normal to the healthy vagina, thus allowing more robust, health-threatening bacteria to thrive, and may have masked more serious problems that certain odors indicated in the first place. All the same, Joseph De Lee, a prominent American obstetrician who held great sway over American obstetric practice through his writings, encouraged the use of Lysol during labor. He writes in 1938, '.Just before introducing the hand, the vagina is liberally flushed with 1 per cent lysol solution squeezed from pledgets of cotton, the idea being to reduce the amount of infectious matter unavoidably carried into the puerperal wounds and up into the uterus by the manipulations.' The in 2013 included the Lysol feminine hygiene ads among others which were 'hilarious and shocking' in hindsight.
Active Ingredient In Lysol Wipes
Lysol multi-surface cleaner on a store shelfDifferent Lysol products contain different active ingredients. Examples of active ingredients used in Lysol products:.
/SD Alcohol, 40 1–3%; fluid that acts as sanitizer., 1–2%; partly responsible for Lysol's strong odor; acts as sanitizing agent and removes odor. p-Chloro-, 5–6%; antiseptic., 0.1%; antiseptic; in use circa 1980s., 3–4%., 0.10%; microbiocide., 0.08%; antiseptic., 0.02%; antiseptic. as an antiseptic.Products.: Lysol Disinfectant products are used to kill surface and air bacteria. Products include:. Lysol Disinfectant Spray.

Lysol Disinfecting Wipes. Lysol Concentrate Disinfectant.: Lysol distributes several multi-purpose cleaners, kitchen cleaners, and bathroom cleaners. These include:.
Lysol Power & Free. Lysol All-Purpose Cleaner. Lysol Multi-Surface Cleaner Pourable. Lysol Power Kitchen Cleaner.
Lysol Bathroom Cleaner. Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner. Lysol Mold & Mildew Remover.
Hand Soaps: Lysol recently developed a line of disinfecting hand soaps. Products include:. Lysol No Touch Hand Soap System. Lysol Touch of Foam Hand WashCompetition Lysol's major competitors include, Oust, and.References Wikimedia Commons has media related to. SIMMONS, W.H. SCOTT, GREENWOOD & SON. GMP Chem Tech Pvt.
Retrieved 22 April 2008. ReSource Colorado (a full service flooring contractor). Retrieved 22 April 2008. (PDF). 18 April 1997. Retrieved 22 April 2008.
Melbourne (Australia) Argus (newspaper). 10 January 1912.
Retrieved 7 May 2013. Frank T. (August 2006).
Lysol Wipes On Skin
(PDF) (Report). Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances.
Contrary to what the logo states Lysol, is not actually the #1 recommended brand by Canadian pediatricians. More information can be found on. Archived from (PDF) on 24 October 2009.
Retrieved 31 March 2009. External link in publisher=. 'Fight Spanish Influenza With Daily Disinfection' (advertisement). The New York Times. 30 October 1918, p. (Accessed via ProQuest, New York Times (1857–Current file), Document ID 97039401).
Retrieved 19 July 2016. Retrieved 19 July 2016. Finley, Harry. The Museum of Menstruation and Women's Health, 1998. (Accessed 22 March 2007),.
Finley, Harry. The Museum of Menstruation and Women's Health. De Lee, Joseph B., A.M., M.D. The Principles and Practice of Obstetrics. Philadelphia: W. Saunders Company, 1938. P319.
Eveleth, Rose (30 September 2013). Retrieved 2 February 2015.External links Wikimedia Commons has media related to. Brio.
Bryza. Calgonit. Cattlemen's.
Cherry Blossom. Clean & Smooth. Cling Free. Cobra. Colon.
Coral. Dip It. Disprin.
Dosia. Easy-Off. Easy On. Elena.
Glassex. Hoffmann's. Kalia. Intima de Karinzi. Lanza. Lime-A-Way.
Lovela. Masterpiece. Metalist. Mop & Glo. Mr. Min.
Mucinex. Nenuco. Noxon. Nugget.
Lysol Disinfecting Wipes Ingredients
Old English. Poliflor. Quanto. Resolve. RID-X. Robin. Sagrotan.

Senokot. Silvo. Sipuro.

Vani-Sol. Vivid. Wenol. Windolene.
Wizard. YesOther.
What is Lysol spray? To start with, Lysol is a synthetic home disinfectant composed of several.
It is principally used to kill microbes (typically bacteria and viruses) – those microscopic organisms that live in and around homes and other shared spaces, such as public restrooms, cafeterias, and workplaces. These places need regular disinfection, hence the need for Lysol.While doing domestic chores, we come in contact with many of these microscopic organisms, especially bacteria, fungi, and viruses which can cause diseases. Lysol can be used to get rid of some of those germs on shared surfaces.Lysol may also be able to kill a common household pest: bed bugs. It has been reported that when applied directly to them. However, it has also been reported that disinfectant sprays are at killing bed bugs in controlled tests.Now, the question many may have is: Does Lysol kill bed bugs? You want to know if it really can kill bed bugs and how effective it really is against these pests. Let us try to answer that question.
What is Lysol made of?There are different forms of the trademarked product Lysol produced by Reckitt Benckiser. While the chemical makeup can vary, the active disinfecting ingredients in most Lysol disinfectant spray products are ethanol and alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium saccharinate while the active ingredient in the Lysol Power and Free disinfecting wipes is hydrogen peroxide. Will Lysol kill bed bugs?So, can you use Lysol to kill bed bugs? In a word, maybe.While Lysol itself has not been tested as a bed bug insecticide, a disinfectant spray called Proxi was tested by researchers at Rutgers University. Even when applied directly to bed bugs, it did not kill them.
A product with a similar ingredient has also been empirically tested. Steri-Fab, which contains N-alkly dimethyl benzyl ammounium chloride was tested on bed bugs. It killed less than 60% of the bed bugs in the trial. In addition, it should be noted that this ingredient made up only 0.076% of the product, meaning that it was not one of the most active ingredients and likely contributed little to bed bug mortality. Bed bugs typically reproduce slowly compared to other insects (only 1 egg per day, on average). However, it is still important to kill them on the spot to decrease the chances of their laying eggs and breeding in your home.Bed bugs can be difficult to get rid of because they do not confine themselves to beds. As their population grows, they are likely to spread throughout the room.
Despite a relatively slow reproductive cycle, bed bugs are still insects, which means they reproduce more quickly than many larger types of animals: three or more generations per year.Wash all fabrics – including bed and pillow covers – in hot water. Then, be sure to run them through the for 30 minutes.
Washing is unlikely to be enough but the heat from the dryer should do it.