Windows 8 Enterprise Evaluation Activation Keys
Looking for and KMS product keys?We have recently had a lot of requests for various Windows evaluation and KMS keys and dummy keys to use for deployment testing.So, over the next few days, we will be posting a number of different keys for Windows 7, 8.1, 10 and Server versions for both KMS and evaluations.
- Windows 8 Enterprise Evaluation Crack
- Windows 8 Activation Key Free
- Windows 8 Enterprise Evaluation Product Key
Windows 8 is the latest collection to the Microsoft operating system (OS). Windows 8 has a slick design and it is also very nice to use with some extra features that will make you love it even more.I love windows 8 and its features but to be honest with you guys, I don’t have the money to purchase its license so I decide to search online to see if I’d see a crack or a patch for my windows 8. For your information guys I had no luck searching for the crack because all I could find was virus, buggy and empty cracks that crashes my system over and over again. We all know that window 8 is a new OS and the crack might be hard to find but I never gave up, so after my long search, I saw just a serial number so I decide to put the serial key manually myself and after many trial and errors, I finally made my windows 8 fully genuine. YayyyRight now, you too can activate your windows 8 with this trick I am about to drop to be fully genuine without the fear of bug or viruses.
I am ready if you’re ready HOW TO ACTIVATE YOUR WINDOWS 8 TO BE FULLY GENUINEFirst of all you will open your command prompt as administrator by pressing the windows key and X key togetherhave you opened the command prompt? Now type exactly what you see below (Press enter after each line)slmgr /upkslmgr /ipk NG4HW-VH26C-733KW-K6F98-J8CK4slmgr /skms -atoHave you completed writing the above command? If you’re done, restart your pc and voila, you have successfully activated your windows 8 to be fully genuine. Now enjoy your activated windows 8 and be limited no moreThis trick was tested on Windows 8 Professional Retail. Enjoy yourself and activate yours today.What are the questions that are running through your mind? Pour your speech using the comment box below and if you got something to add up to the topic then use the comment box below as well.Do you like the post?
Then do click the like button, share and recommend us to friends. Oww before you go, subscribe to our feed for latest update to your mail. Thank you!!!! My windows is activated with the steps suggested by benneh Gandhi!!however I’m unable to use any office products.When I try to open a new blank page on word I got the message” activation is required to authenticate this copy of Microsoft office.” Then it ask me to enter a product key.I’m running windows 8 pro 64, I have a brand new laptop hp pavilion C2M97UA.The pc was sent to me by a relative living in a different country, he got it as a payment for a job and is impossible to get a product key.I apologize for my ignorance and thanks a lot in advance if there is anything you can do for me. I’m using “Windows 8 Lite”.I have tested “W8 Activator” to activate Windows 8 Lite but it don’t works alone. Then I typed the four commands you show above.
Windows 8 Enterprise Evaluation Crack

After run “W8 Activator” again it activated the Windows 8 Lite like a charm!PS: I have tested the W8 Activator with Windows 8 Enterprise and it works very well and no need the commands above.If you don’t know W8 Activator or Windows 8 Lite, “Google is your friend”.Hope this helps!(Sorry for my bad english. I’m not a native english speaker).

I haven’t tried this method so I’m not saying it doesn’t work. It seems some people have had at least some degree of luck with this.However.Ive used various cracks for Win8 and they have all made windows report that “Windows is activated”.
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But a few days down the line my internet connection stopped working, the only way to make it work was to set the date back, but even then it only worked for a while and windows seemed to work out what Id done and it stopped working again. Just cos it says “activated” doesn’t mean it is. Ill wait a few months for a working crack as Ive just uninstalled this.Besides this method will only work for some time. Microsoft will (if they haven’t already) block that key/number and possibly do something to stop the whole method from working so even if you find a different key it still wont work.Im sticking with 7 for now. Hi i try this trick but some problem and error i show it.Microsoft Windows Version 6.2.8400(c) 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.C:Windowssystem32cd.C:Windowscd.C:slmgr /upkMicrosoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.
All rights reserved.Uninstalled product key successfully.C:slmgr /ipk NG4HW-VH26C-733KW-K6F98-J8CK4Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.Error: 0xC004E016 On a computer running Microsoft Windows non-core edition, run‘slui.exe 0x2a 0xC004E016’ to display the error text.plz help me.
Hello wolfy,Now let me tell you what the commands do.The first command which is “slmgr /upk” deletes the current serial key you’ve entered (if there’s any)The second command “slmgr /ipk SERIAL KEY” – adds the specified serial you typedthe third command “/skms lunar21” Connects your product to that kms serverThe forth command “slmgr.vbs -ato” Activates the serial key you entered before.Now that i have brake it down more, you’ll see that there is something wrong with your product. The command is not giving you errors but the way you implement it. You are not doing it well as you supposed to. After opening cmd ad admin and denMicrosoft Windows Version 6.2.8400(c) 2012 Microsoft Corporation.
All rights reserved.C:Windowssystem32cd.C:Windowscd.C:slmgr /upk‘slmgr’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.C:slmgr/upk‘slmgr’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.C:slmgr /ipk NG4HW-VH26C-733KW-K6F98-J8CK4‘slmgr’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file. Hi Babanature,Ur method worked perfectly well. After that i installed media center feature with the free key i have and after that the activation is gone. I tried this method again and it says “Error:0xC004F069 On a computer running Microsoft Windows non-core edition, run ‘slui.exe 0x2a 0xC004F069′ to display the error text” at the 2nd step. Then i searched the web n tried some other keys.
The 2nd step worked fine but every time it fails in the last step and it says “no kms could be contacted”. I am using cmd as admin and aslo tried the 3rd step without “:80”. Kindly help me out. Unrecoggnized option:/ software Licensing Management ToolUsage:slmgr.vbsMachine nameuser passwordMachine Name:Name of remote machine(default is local machine)User: Account with required privilege on remote machinePassword:password for the previos accountGlobal Options:/ipkInstall Product Key (replaces existing key)/atoActivation IDActive windows/dlliActivation ID All/dlvActivation ID All/xprActivation IDSir please help me sir,What is ActivationID. I already fix this problem with crack. I dont know how to do with ur method but now everything seems fine.
Windows 8 Activation Key Free
I hope those crack was save, now i can change personalize of my windows 8 thanks to you who helping me too:). Now i got a problem with Reviving my VGA back, VGA switch function what i have on windows 7 is gone.
Now for playing games on W8 it was so laggy! And i stil confuse how to switch VGA from intel to ATi back. ( already try catalist driver blablabla mode but it still wont fix ) anyway thanks 😀. OK I have Windows 8 Ent.I tried below stepsslmgr /upk(worked fine)slmgr /ipk 32JNW-9KQ84-P47T8-D8GGY-CWCK7(worked fine)slmgr /skms fine)slmgr.vbs -ato(received error – 0xc004f074 no kms could be conected”so I tried below KMS servers in the third step.
But all gave the same I tried pinging all these server but none of them got resolved.So i believe, the issue is with the KMS servers. Could anyone provide us with the latest KMS servers?? I want to share this. Thanks to all comments here I came with this. Slmgr /upkslmgr /ipk NG4HW-VH26C-733KW-K6F98-J8CK4slmgr /skms win8kms4.mooo.comslmgr.vbs -atojust change the 3rd line. After I restarted my pc and install updates, I check the system and its not activated BUT I enable to customized the personalization of my pc and the windows is not giving me notification that requesting windows to activate.
I found out when I opened the action center it saying that windows is activated. 🙂 I just got activated now my Windows 8 pro.
🙂 this works fine guys. 100% working in me. If the instruction is not working can u try this another step. It was tested in Windows 8 Professional Build 9200.1. Click the change and date settings2. Click Internet Time tab3. Click change settings and a pop up will show and click ‘Update now’4.
Next go to your Network adapter properties5. Choose “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and click properties6. Click ‘Use the following DNS server addresses’7. Enter this Preferred DNS server: Enter Alternate DNS server: this steps OPEN Command Prompt (RUN it as ADMINISTRATOR)Type this like in the instructionsslmgr /upkslmgr /ipk (enter Product key)slmgr /skms win8kms4.mooo.comslmg.vbs -atoThen Restart the PC if there’s no error occured. I hope this can help you guys. Heyy everyone!!
Im a guy from india whos got his new laptop. This would be my final one till i get a good college seat. So am not risking anything!! I believe you.
Windows 8 Enterprise Evaluation Product Key
Am gonna try that sometime. But what happens if it does not work?! Does my laptop just stops functioning.
Or it gives a warning to enter a new serial key?! If it does so.
How much days would i have a trial version left!!can you please give me a list of consequences that i may have if that thing doesn’t work?! Just as precaution!!and dude!! Me doesn’t blame you!! Am just a ‘check that another time’ guy in everything!!
Hello I am using windows 8 enterprise evaluationI just followed your stepsfirst i got error in the 3rd step.then i tried one suggested in your comments.then when i type the 4th comment it shows no serial key i close the cmd.i restarted my the watermark of no. Of days remaining has been removed.and in system properties in product id information it says no information. O.O.i dont know what happened but i can use my windows 8 without any restriction and errors till I just wanted to say thnx to you THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! Sir u’re just simply awesome but i beg ur help for activatin my windows 8 as i’m prestin it to my dad tis is my email id- i beg u a favor could u pls send me the key for permanant activation of windows8 atleast for my dad’s present pls its my earnesrt request sir i liked ur hackin skill a lot which was very helpful for my dad’s present so pls do me this small favor to me atleast for my dad’s sake once again i beg u his b’day is on april 12 sir plsi hope u help me out sir thanks a lot for ur help!! Sir,in fourth step after executing it i have a error message shown“Activating Windows(R),Professional editon(a98bcd-5343-4603-8aef-59)Error:0xc004f074 The Software Licensing Service reporte that the computercould not be activated.No Key Management Service (KMS) could be contacted.Please see the appication Event Log for addition information.”sir i try all step from comment which are at above but always this messege appear please help me to shout out this problem i have windows 8 pro 9200.
Hi babanature,Please add this information to your blog——————————————————–To all ‘Windows 8 Enterprise Evaluation’ UsersNote:– This will only reset your license back in being 90 Days(You can’t fully activate it is only an Evaluation Copy)– Needs Internet Connection when Activating the LicenseProcedures:1.) Open Command Prompt (as Admin).2.) Type ” slmgr rearm “.3.) Restart your Computer.4.) Go to “Control Panel System and Security Action Center Windows Activation”5.) Click Activate——————————————————–.